Entertaining Texting Games That Are The Perfect Ice-Breakers!

Are you shy and introverted by nature? Are you someone who dreads social events but doesn’t mind texting because it doesn’t consume as much energy as other extroverted socializing options do? If texting doesn’t send jitters down your spine due to all that tension, we suggest that you try something new over texts, such as playing fun games.

While online games may mean that one needs fancy gear or has to download the latest trending game apps, that’s not the case with texting games! The best part is that these chat/texting games are very simple. They only require smart wit and presence of mind in both the engaged parties. Just make sure that your current internet service is glitch-free and speedy like the one offered by Mediacom Iowa City, so that network worries never bother you while you enjoy playing all kinds of fun texting games with your friends!

Listed below are some fun texting games that have proven to be terrific ice-breakers! Moreover, they can even be played with old buddies over chat apps or SMS.

Let the games begin!

Who Would You – Peck, Hitch, or Kill?

It’s a simpler version of the all-time favorite, Kiss, Marry, and Kill. Nonetheless, the idea is still the same and intends to be fun, as long as all the players don’t take offense to the given response. One person can start the game by asking questions while the other person names three individuals who they would want to peck, get hitched to, or want to kill.

The name of the three people could be from anywhere. It could be any local or international celebrity or could even be names of people that both the players know personally. Since texting today mostly takes place on WhatsApp or Telegram, more than two people can play this game and have a good time bonding with others. Simply use the extra-fast digital service by Mediacom Columbia Mo and have some good ol’ fun with your friends!

I Spy with My Little Eye

Classic games like this one never run out of style. Although games such as ‘I Spy’ have always been given preference before animated games took over, this one will remain a family favorite for times to come. And for good reason too! Nothing can beat the sheer simplicity of this game.

Whether one chooses to play the game via text or on any one of those convenient chatting apps, it’s really up to the players to sweeten up or spice up the game the way they like! Begin simply and then add variations along the way. for instance, players can limit the number of guesses per phrase or give clues. If you played as a child with your family, the high nostalgic quality would keep the good times associated with the game memories fresh in your mind.

Why not play a slightly modernized version of this childhood favorite on texting apps and relive those happy moments of the past in your present? Whatever you choose, it is bound to bring a lot of laughs at both ends.

Story Builder

The world is a place full of storytellers. Whether you are a professional writer or not, stories are one of the oldest ways to simplify difficult concepts and ideas. With this game, two people can delve into their imagination and build a world or many worlds, plots, settings, and characters that make sense only to them.

But most importantly, it helps create an ever-lasting bond that’s unshakeable! Simply begin the game with a simple sentence. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Just something random and text it to the other person. The other person can then text back, adding their bit to the initial sentences.

Thus, gradually build a story from scratch, which successfully goes on over a messaging thread. It’s up to the players to make the game as interesting or as thought-provoking as they want to make!

Where Am I?

Although this texting game ‘Where Am I?’ may be similar to ‘I Spy’, it varies quite a bit. This game is great if your friends are stuck at home and you are out exploring. Or maybe, it’s the other way around. Since users take their smartphones where they go, why not play this game. Begin by describing one aspect of the surroundings around you and let your friends guess! It’s really up to the player to add several details to the game. Text on and enjoy!

Wrapping Up

Although only a handful of chat/texting games have been mentioned above, the simple nature of these games will bring out the child-like nature of the players. But more than that, these simple games are meant to help one connect and kickstart interesting conversations in a jiffy! Social interactions over the years have changed completely, which is a strong reason why making friends or meeting new people has become slightly complicated. Add the pandemic to this equation and that means zero social interaction.

These texting games are old school in a lot of ways as they are ideally meant to help one connect, form a bond, or simply keep people in touch with their loved ones, old friends, or new acquaintances that they meet along the way!

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